What did they say to you?

What did they do?

To cause a powerful


Warrior queen

To think she has nothing to offer?

I’ve been there in the dim corners

Thinking I had no light

Holding a torch in my hand

The entire time

Waiting for – I’m not sure what —


Permission from who –

From them?




Or whisper, at least, until you understand

You are the phoenix

You are already blazing.

You don’t need permission to light up this space

and time.

Say what they tried to stop you from saying

They only fear your fire because it comes for their lies

Do what makes your heart come alive

Anyone who has a problem with that –

Can move out of the way

Because the only thing burning out

Burning down

Are your obstacles

Phoenix, you are destined to rise

And shine!

Photo by Svetlana🎞: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-with-gas-lamp-10122032/