
Photo by Gary Doughty on Unsplash

What does an old-fashioned, steam engine locomotive have to do with me? We’ll get to that in a few more sentences. Here’s the main thought:

We cannot rely on our feelings to control our actions or our voice.

Oh, there are days when we feel sad, angry, anxious, and generally all-over-the-place. Absolutely there are. It is equally as important to care for those hard emotions as it is to refuse to allow them to control our words and actions.

There is a time and place to talk about tough emotions, to process them or let a loved one or counselor speak words of comfort and confidence into the situation…




Until we learn how to speak words of confidence and comfort to our own hurting hearts and souls, we will remain like a train off-track. It might roll in the right direction for a while, but ultimately it’s going to slow down, stop, or crash.

Believe it or not, a steam engine is actually a good metaphor for how we operate. Bear with me, this is going somewhere. This post is on track to its destination. The main point is full steam ahead.

Just a little train humor.

Here’s why our motivation muscle works like an old train.

1. On an old train, the engine needs coal but also water to generate the steam that pumps the pistons and moves the machine.

2. The old locomotive needs a driver to steer, and to pull on the brakes as needed.

3. Without the fire-person to stoke the flame and add or remove coal, the fire either rages out of control and burns the train or it goes out and the engine stalls.

4. Without water to generate steam from the boiler, heated by the fire, the engine builds up pressure and explodes.

5. Without the steering and the brakes, the train derails, sometimes exploding in the process.

There are no good outcomes in life without balance: fire, water, motion, brake.

For us, in practical terms, that means: passion for what we do, spiritual health, taking steps toward our goals – even small ones, and resting when we need it (not two years after we need it, ahem).

1. Stoke the fires of your passion and purpose.

2. Tend to the waters of your spirit so you don’t blow up when pressure rises.

3. Steer yourself in the right direction.

4. Finally, know how to pause on purpose — use your brakes – and breaks — don’t wait for your engine to stall mid-journey.

What all of that looks like varies widely from person to person. Finding out what it looks like for you is a journey, so pack your carpet bag and let’s go!

Discovering your purpose and passion, and then stoking the flame has been described this way:

Purpose is where your great passion meets your world’s great need.

What matters most to you? What lights you up inside? Seek that, find more of that, do that thing!

For me personally, filling my water tank is done by eating right, exercise, meditation, and journaling.

Putting on the brakes might look like taking time to read, to cuddle up with my kids and enjoy a movie, or chat with a friend.

Steering takes practice, and familiarity with your personal needs. Accept that new position? Move to live closer to family? Sometimes, it feels out of our control. Sometimes, steering means placing faith in a new direction when we don’t fully know the way, just steadying the wheel.

Or gripping the wheel for dear life to keep from derailing.

If we aren’t seeking balance regularly in each of these important areas, we either crash, give up, burn out, or blow up.

Just like the fire-stoker on the old locomotives, the task of keeping our body in balance requires sweat, dedication, and good choices. When do I remove coal, when do I add more, and when is the problem in a different part of the engine?

It’s okay if you’re just learning to read the map, or gently coaxing the embers of purpose into a small but steady glow.

Keep working on balance, keep learning what moves you, keep your tank filled with healthy things, and most of all –

keep moving forward!

Thanks for reading! Check out my Vocal author page for more!

“Do you need a coffin today?”

How a meeting in the market changed my perspective, one humdrum day…

Photo by Antoine Plüss on Unsplash

Have I ever told you about the time I was a lot tired and a little bored on a humdrum walk to the market?

“Excuse me, Madame, do you need a coffin today? I have big and small ones, or I can make any that you like.”

In the open market, people sell everything. Just about anything you could imagine lines the roadside, laying on a blanket, or neatly displayed in a small shop.

Yes, even coffins. Headstones are more rare — they’re a luxury too expensive for most. Fewer people are peddling those in the market.

The young carpenter, probably no older than sixteen, was making his living. He was working hard — another day, another dollar. People need coffins.

Provide something people need — isn’t that the cardinal rule of success in business? Something they can’t live without.


Another day, I needed one, but that’s a different story.

Not that day.

That day, I was going to the market for ordinary things. Daily things. On my way to the market, my mind was on the heat, on the haggling over tomatoes and the long walk through crowded and dusty streets. To be honest, I wasn’t all that excited to go to the market. It was a chore.

Shaking my head, I offered an apologetic smile to the young man, who was disappointed at not having made a sale. I drew in a long breath of the lively market air, swirling with the aromas of roasting meat, rotting vegetables, sweat, fish, standing water. An old friend used to call it “the smell of humanity.”

That day, it became the smell of alive. That day I was going for tomatoes and not a coffin. That day I was breathing and stepping over stones and mud puddles, around goats and small children as they dashed underfoot. Tired and hot and smelly and alive were the market and I.

A group of children paused their game — a dance-off, apparently — and came along beside me. One girl slipped her hand into mine. “Dance with us!” She began moving her feet in a well-known dance, commonly practiced in play and celebration, singing through peals of giggles. A friend of hers turned a bucket into a drum keeping time. Others clapped, sang, or joined in the dancing.

I joined in too — how could I resist such a timely invitation? The kids found it hilarious that I couldn’t do the moves properly, but shouted encouragement as we danced together. “Yes! Keep trying!”

Finally, out of breath, sweaty, happy, we laughed and high-fived and went our separate ways: The kids to get up to more games and giggles, or maybe evening chores. Me, to finish getting my groceries.

As I went back to filling my list of fruits and veggies, I walked a little more lightly and breathed a little more deeply.

Some days it’s a win to just keep breathing.

As long as you’re breathing, things can change for the better.

As long as you’re breathing, the weight of grief lifts a little after a while.

As long as you’re breathing, you have another choice, another chance.

Keep that breathing deal going, okay?

Then, when we get through those “just keep breathing” days, believe me, days come when we get to do more — for others and for ourselves. So take a deep breath, one foot in front of the other.

The important thing is that today you are here.

Today take your time, be alive, and breathe in the day. I’m so glad you’re here.

“Excuse me…do you need a coffin today?”

“No, thank you, not today.”

“Oh, it’s okay, it’s okay. May you please remember me if someday you need one?”

“Yes, Ssebo, I will remember you. You do good work.”

“Thank you for appreciating my work! I work very hard.”

“Yes, it’s clear you do. Have a nice day.”

“You also, Nyabo.”

To each of my friends and neighbors (yes, you – reading this right now!): your hard work is appreciated. You are seen, noticed, and making a difference.

Treasure it.

Believe it.

Live it.

For more like this, check out my Vocal author page!

Why I’m Nuts About Nuts!

Three top legumes and what makes them so healthy

Photo by Maddi Bazzocco on Unsplash

Ground nuts, tree nuts, set me free nuts! Sweet or salty, these crunchy bits of goodness are powerhouses for health!

When it comes to fueling our bodies with healthy whole foods, nuts are a must. Packed with vitamins, antioxidants, protein, and healthy fats — what’s not to love? Let’s go nuts for nuts! Read on to learn a little about three of my favorites!


Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

My kids say they look like crescent moons, but cuteness is only one of their many benefits! Cashews, like most nuts, contain antioxidants. Antioxidants protect cells from damage, and are associated with reduced risks of cancer and heart disease, as well as a reduced risk of death from many different causes.(1) Now that’s something to chew on!

Cashews are high in a variety of nutrients (2), including, but not limited to:

  • Magnesium — one ounce of cashews contains about 20% of your daily value (DV). Magnesium aids in blood sugar and blood pressure regulation, and is vital to bone, muscle and nerve health.
  • Zinc – thanks to that virus that came along in 2020, we’ve heard a lot about zinc in recent times. Zinc has benefits to our immune system, but there’s even more to love about this mineral powerhouse! Getting enough zinc also helps maintain a healthy metabolism, supports healthy growth in kids and teens, and helps wounds heal.
  •  Selenium – There’s a lot to say about the way thyroid function affects our health, and selenium supports a healthy thyroid! It’s also essential to reproduction and helps fight bacterial infections.
  • B6 – Need a mood boost? I know this winter weather makes me crabby some days, and a hand full of almonds containing B6 may help reduce stress! B vitamins are healthy for metabolism and immune function, too.

For a healthy dose of good fats and protein, or a low-sugar snack, a handful of cashews is a great choice!


Photo by Mae Mu on Unsplash

In addition to several of the benefits listed above, like antioxidants, healthy fats, and B6, pistachios have a unique set of benefits that make them an essential nut for a healthy diet.

This study in the National Library of Medicine concluded that pistachios have the potential to significantly decrease fasting blood sugar levels in some patients!

Pistachios are also a healthy source of:

  • Potassium – essential to many of our body’s functions, including kidney and heart health, and nervous system function.
  • Copper – a mineral essential to vascular health, energy production, and supporting the growth of healthy connective tissues.
  • Thiamin —  also known as B1, this valuable vitamin supports healthy metabolism and energy levels, as well as growth of important new cells to replace dying cells.
  • Manganese helps the body metabolize carbs, amino acids, glucose, and cholesterol. It’s also needed for blood clotting, bone health, reproductive health, and a strong immune system.

Grab a handful of these low-calorie nuts for a snack you can always feel good about!


Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Though slightly higher in calories than its cousins mentioned above, peanuts are still a highly nutritious snack with benefits that may surprise you. In addition to potassium, magnesium, protein, and healthy fats, a handful of these popular nuts provides some of these:

  • Folate is valuable during pregnancy because it significantly reduces the risk of neural tube defects. This B vitamin supports the making of DNA, as well as healthy cell division, and may also prevent some forms of cancer. Too little folate can increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.
  • Niacin, also known as B3, supports healthy cells and energy levels, and may lower blood pressure and reduce depression.
  • Vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps reduce the presence of free radicals in the body. It helps prevent clotting by widening blood vessels, and it also supports a healthy immune system.

In the shell or cracked wide open, these ground nuts are a nutritional flex with an energy-packed punch!

Beneath the Shell

Photo by Rachael Gorjestani on Unsplash

These nuts and others, like almonds and walnuts, are an important part of a balanced daily diet. With antioxidants that increase energy, protein for a boost that lasts, and so many vitamins and minerals to fight infection and boost my mood, can you see why I’m so nuts about nuts? Maybe you are too! Comment your favorite below.

Bacon Cheeseburger Soup

Details: 1 Lean, 1 Green Note: This recipe needs a couple more greens to fit with my health program. I love using fresh bell peppers, or a side salad.

This recipe should be illegal

It is so delicious, and so easy to make! Who doesn’t love bacon? The best part is, it’s healthy and guilt-free! Kids love it, talk about a tasty way to get them to eat some veggies! This one makes a great week night dinner — it’s so quick and not a big cleanup project!


2.5 oz 93% lean ground beef, cooked (1/2 Lean)

1/2 cup 2% reduced fat shredded Mexican cheese blend (1/2 Lean)

1 cup low sodium beef broth (1 Condiment)

1 wedge of Light Garlic and Herb Laughing Cow Cheese (1 Condiment)

1/2 cup diced tomatoes in juice – with less than 5 g of carbs per 1/2 cup (1 Green)

1 tsp turkey bacon bits


Combine all ingredients in a sauce pan and cook over medium high heat until cheese has melted.

I mean seriously? Could this be any easier?

Comment below to let me know how you liked it, and tell me what other flavors you’d like to see in my recipe box!

**I did not create this recipe, as an Independent Optavia Coach, it is used with permission.**

Cilantro Salmon and Peppers

Details: Yields 1 Serving. Per serving: 1 Lean, 3 Green, 3 Condiments

photo used with permission

I’m a salmon lover

With all of its health benefits, what’s not to love? Salmon is known to be an excellent source of omega 3 fatty acids, which are — ahem, swimming — with health benefits! Omega 3’s are said to promote brain health, eye health, and heart health — even to potentially reduce depression and anxiety, and symptoms of ADHD in kids! Wow! No wonder those little fighters work so hard to get upstream in their famous annual migration. They know what they bring to the world packs a punch of goodness.

This recipe is lean and low-carb, maximizing health without sacrificing flavor. Let’s get cooking!


7 oz Salmon (raw, will shrink to 5 oz cooked)

1 cup Raw Peppers, Green

1 cup Raw Peppers, Red

1 cup Raw Peppers, Yellow

1/4 tsp Salt

1/4 cup Water

1/2 tsp Cumin

10 sprays Non-stick Cooking Spray

1 tbsp Hot Pepper Sauce

1 1/2 cup Cilantro

1 tbsp Lemon or Lime Juice


Marinade: In a food processor, combine cilantro, lemon or lime juice, hot red pepper sauce, cumin, salt, and water; puree until smooth. Transfer marinade to a gallon-size resealable plastic bag. Add salmon. Seal bag, squeezing out air; turn to coat salmon.

Refrigerate 1 hour, turning bag occasionally.

After marinating: Preheat oven to 400° F.

Spray a medium-sized square baking dish with non-stick cooking spray until lightly covered.

Arrange pepper slices in a single layer in prepared pan; bake 20 minutes, turning pepper slices once.

Drain salmon; discard marinade. Place salmon on top of pepper slices; bake, turning salmon once, 12-14 minutes, or until fish flakes easily when tested with a fork.

Bon Appetit!

Comment below and let me know what you thought of this recipe, and what other flavors you’d like to see featured in my recipe box!

**I did not create this recipe, as an Independedn Optavia Coach, it is used with permission.**